7 Mistakes every pilot training student should watch out for
Student pilots are tend to do mistakes during their training. Like all humans, people who are in the beginning of their aviation career can do mistakes but the making a lesson out of the mistake is the important thing. Here are the most common 7 mistakes of student pilots.

Before read this blog we want to share another important blog of Noir. “7 Common Wrong Approaches Done by Student Pilots” might interest you.
Pitot cover protects the pitot tube from any contamination such as bees, insects or dust. It must be removed before flight in order to measure the airspeed. Forgetting to remove this cover may have catastrophic consequences. Student pilots often forget to remove this cover during pre-flight preparations.
Prior to the flight steps in a checklist must be followed strictly in order to execute a safe and efficient training flight. Checklists are not just for fancy display but for ensuring safety.
Sometimes fresh pilots cannot fully understand the purpose of the checklist. They are meant to be used prior to, during and after the flight. If a step of the checklist didn’t have any purpose the manufacturer wouldn’t even put it in the checklist. Every step of the checklist has a different importance and purpose. Therefore doing the checklist correctly is another duty and responsibility of the pilot in command.
During the training flight a student’s usually focus on the instruments too much especially in glass cockpit aircrafts. But the main responsible that is keeping the airplane flying is the pilot, not the instruments.
Student must keep his or her eyes outside of the aircraft for observing the traffic and terrain. While keeping an eye on the outside and not being busy with the instruments basic flying skills are developed since the aircraft is being flown by the pilot not the instruments.

Poor communication with ATC during the flight is a common mistake done by the student pilots. This mistake is generally caused by the excitement of the situation or fear of making a mistake. But while fearing from making a mistake students tend to do mistakes.
Communication with the required ATC is essential for the safety of other aircrafts flying in the same region as well therefore it is quite important to not doing this mistake. In order to establish a proper communication with the ATC pilot must think what she or he is going to say before pressing to the mic button.
If the trim of the aircraft is too much or too less than the required trim amount this will result as an increase in the workload. While correcting the trim of the airplane small amount of correction must be made. If you release the control column or yoke the nose of the airplane points in the same point when released the trimming is good. But if the nose of the airplane is moving upwards of downwards trim adjustment is required.
It is quite hard to determine or guess the height of the aircraft for new student pilots. Especially during the landing the height of the aircraft can be hard to judge even for the licensed pilots. Determining the height of aircraft by environmental substances such as trees or runway is a matter of experience and it will get better as much as you fly.
Over controlling the aircraft is another common mistake done by the students. By the excitement and thrill caused by flying students tend to grab the yoke too hard and over control the aircraft. Especially new students tend to control the aircraft with all their strength therefore over-control the aircraft.
Grasping the yoke too hard won’t help anything during your flight. Think yoke as a bird, if you squeeze too hard it dies, squeeze too weak is flies away.