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Approache mistakes to be carefull for all pilot students.

noir aviation flight school student

Before read this blog we want to share another important blog of Noir. “7 Common Mistakes of Student Pilots” might interest you.

1. Insufficient flight preparation

Even if you think you are completely ready for the flight there will be an important point you missed. Students on their first 15 to 20 hours of flight are tend to rush through their flight preparation which can result as getting lost or even not being able to take-off at all. During your aviation career you will prepare for your flight before flying. 

This preparation includes AIS briefing, Meteorological observation, route selection, chart and flight plan preparation. If the pilot in command is not informed about this subjects or not preparet for further conditions that will take place along the flight path the result may be fatal. Therefore the pilot must be sufficiently prepared for the next flight.

2. Miscommunicating with the instructor

During a training flight main duty of the student pilot is learning. This learning is generally provided by the flight instructor. Sure a student can learn anything by doing a research or studying on a topic but the main source of information is the instructor.

Communication in the cockpit is essential for training and safety. If the communication between the student and instructor is not established correctly the flight cannot be performed correctly. Student must show what he or she knows or doesn’t know to the instructor so that the instructor can train him or her accordingly.

3. Poor decision making

Even the worst decision is better than indecision. For student pilots who are just in the beginning of their careers it is hard to make a decision when it comes to critic situations. This is generally caused by not knowing the consequences of actions. You can prevent this mistake by, not doing it if you are not comfortable with it. Or we can say ‘When in doubt, go around’.

4. Over confidence

Some students start to feel confident with their newly acquired skills towards the end of their training. This is actually a good situation but it has its own downsides. Even if you have some particular skills you are just an flight training student and what are the odds of making a critic change in the aviation history? 

Realize and accept that you are just a beginner pilot and there is always someone better than you when it comes to flying. If the student becomes over-confident they may push the limits of their skills and knowledge which can be really dangerous.

noir aviation flight school student

5. Making mistakes but not learning from them

The most important mistake is not learning from the mistakes. It is ok to the mistakes as long as you learn how to not do them. As said in the saying ‘errare humanum est’ every human being can do mistakes. But if you learn from your mistake you will not do the same mistake again and therefore your flying will get better.

6. Not thinking the next step

As a pilot you must always think about the next step you will take. If you don’t know what to do next you can’t be certain with your actions and therefore you cannot fly confidently. An unconfident pilot cannot fly much far from runway. Therefore you must know what is coming next and what will you do in order to compensate the circumstances.

7. Anti-Authority

This is the simplest hazardous behavior to acknowledge. But it is the foremost difficult to vary. Take, for instance , a student pilot who is training in an airplane he owns. He’s a natural pilot who handles the airplane with ease and quickly demonstrates proficiency altogether of the specified pre-solo maneuvers. He takes excellent care of his airplane and conducts thorough preflight inspections. 

However, his disrespect for authority became evident when he repeatedly flew solo well beyond his 90-day endorsement. His instructor had several conversations with him about this, but he refused to concentrate. The cadet pilot failed his EASA PPL test on the primary attempt. Unless he modifies his attitude, he’ll never pass his check ride.

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