Flights on Nordica were previously marketed under the LOT Polish Airlines brand until August 1st. This has since changed, and the small Estonian airline now has its own International Air Transport Association (IATA) code. Let's take a look at Nordica and what the future holds for the carrier.…
A350 Freighter Version will be launched
Airbus is moving forward with plans to build a freighter version of its A350 passenger airliner, in the hopes of capturing a piece of the all-cargo widebody market long dominated by Boeing. The A350F's introduction was expected, as Airbus CEO Guillaume…
Akasa Air was Announced as Indian Billionare's plan.
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, an Indian billionaire, has announced plans to launch a new airline called Akasa Air. During an interview with Bloomberg television, Jhunjhunwala confirmed that the new carrier will launch in 2022.
Because of his stock market success, Jhunjhunwala is…

Night Visual Flight Rules rating allows you to perform a flight by visual reference at night under visual meteorological conditions. A PPL pilot holding NVFR rating can fly anytime during the day 24 hours under visual flight rules. Additionally NVFR rating is required to continue further trainings such…

For the practical part of the PPL training you must fly at least 45 hours. If your instructor thinks that you are not ready to have skill test and need extra hours to fly, you must fly extra hours. But usually students finishes training flights in 45 flight…

ICAO English Certificate
While technical problems have been less common in aircraft accidents, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has been paying increased attention to human aspects in aviation, such as communication. Communication, being one of the most essential human components, has thus gained increased attention, and the…

Aviation Medical Certificate
Medical Certificate for Pilot Training
In order to start a pilot training program you will need to get a Medical Certificate. Class-1 or Class-2 medical check is needed depending on the requirements of a specific pilot licence you are going to acquire. When you are… the theory part of the PPL Training, we will be responsible for 9 lessons. 1. Air law 2. Aircraft general knowledge 3. Flight performance 4. Human performance and limits 5. Meteorology 6. Navigation 7. Operating procedures 8. Principles of Flight 9. Communication When you enroll in a…

Way to be Pilot in Europe
The private pilot license is a type of pilot license that allows you to act as the pilot in command of an aircraft privately under visual meteorological conditions. With this license, you can rent a plane and have a pleasant flight with…

What is Private Pilot licence (PPL(A)) flight training? Private Pilot License – EASA PPL (A) is a qualification that allows the holder to fly on single engine piston (SEP) aircraft in visual meteorological conditions (VMC) as pilot in command (PIC) or co-pilot on aircraft in noncommercial operations without…
Ryanair will employ 2000 pilots within 3 years.
Ryanair heals and rebuilds from the Covid-19 outbreak, the airline today (12th July) announced a recruiting drive for 2,000 new pilots to crew aircraft deliveries over the next three years. Ryanair has received its first Boeing 737-8200 Gamechanger plane, which…
As Noir Aviation Flight School we wanted to make a guide about process of being Pilot. Out first series "How to Become a Pilot?" explains integrated and modular training models that are frequently encountered in pilot training. If you want to become a pilot, you have questions about…