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For the practical part of the PPL training you must fly at least 45 hours. If your instructor thinks that you are not ready to have skill test and need extra hours to fly, you must fly extra hours. But usually students finishes training flights in 45 flight hours.

Student pilot sits left seat and instructor pilot sits right seat. Every student has their own syllabus and training continues according to this syllabus. Instructor checks students syllabus and make briefing before flight. First 15 hours are dual flights with the instructor. If the instructor decides that you are able to fly as solo, you can fly solo under ground supervision of your instructor. Instructor teaches you how to control aircraft, how to make maneuvors such as turning, deep turning, stall recovery, slow flights, climbing, descending, emergency procedures, traffic patterns, cross country flights so you will be required to perform all of these maneuvors at practical exam. You must have a logbook compliant with the EASA and you will write your flights in this logbook. After finishing practical training, flight school management makes an appointment for your practical exam with the Civil Aviation Authority.

The exeminer ,appointed by the Civil Aviation Authority, comes at determined time and check your; passport, logbook, medical certificate, PPL theory completion certificate and ICAO level certificate. Before the exam, exeminer makes a briefing with you and tells you the tasks that you must fulfill. The exam must be minimum 1 hour 30 minutes according to rules. After passing the exam you are given a certificate by exeminer shows that you successfully passed skill test. After that you can apply for PPL licence.

We wanted to create a handbook regarding the process of becoming a pilot as Noir Aviation Flight School. The first part, “How to Become a Pilot?” explores the many integrated and modular training models used in pilot training.

If you want to become a pilot, you have questions about the process. Although the process of becoming a pilot can be confusing at times, in the light of correct guidance and correct information, flight training and getting a pilot license turns into an easy process. What exactly are we talking in this video series? We prepared a series about the pilot training procedure called “How to Become a Pilot.” In that Pilot Training Series, we go over every topic that pilot students and pilot candidates hopefuls and students should be aware of. We’re also pleased to answer any queries you have in the comments section. What are we talking about in this video? – 9 lessons that we will be responsible. – Hours of theoretical training. – Face-to-face and Distance Learning – PPL Theory Exam – How many sessions do we have? – if we fail the exam – How to study theory exams? How do I become a pilot, what is the pilot training process, how to start pilot training, what flight schools offers, what is EASA, what is JAR-FCL, can I be a pilot in Europe and fly abroad etc. In this video series, we answer your questions.

Our mission to make this possible for anyone who dreams of becoming a pilot with professional consultancy and affordable prices. Noir Aviation offers modular training on Private Pilot Licence (PPL), Pilot in Command (PIC), Night Visual Flight Rules (NVFR), Instrument Rating (IR), Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL). In addition to these trainings, Noir offers Aircraft Rental service. Noir was founded by real aviation lovers to make a difference in pilot training.

You can subscribe to our channel to be informed when the videos we have prepared about the pilot training process, pilotage details are uploaded. 

Noir Aviation Academy is a safety first Flight School that focuses on pilot student needs. Noir Aviation based in Slovakia/Zilina and Hungary/Kaposvar.

You can check our social media accounts and website to get more information about aviation and Flight Trainings.

Here is links of some; Time Building, NVFR Training, CPL, Mep, IR,

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Noir Aviation Academy is a safety first Flight School that focuses on pilot student needs. Noir Aviation based in Slovakia/Zilina and Hungary/Kaposvar.


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